quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2009

Migrar Controlador de Dominio para outro Servidor

iniciar >> executar >> cmd >> ntdsutil



connect to server servidor.dominio.xxx - servidor que receberá as funções


transfer RID master

transfer PDC

transfer infrastructure master

transfer schema master

transfer domain naming master

sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2009

quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2009

sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2009

quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2009

Atualização OpenBSD 4.4 para 4.5 remotamente

Guia para atualização do OpenBSD 4.4 para o 4.5 remotamente:

The upgrade process

Upgrading without install kernel

Place install files in a "good" location

Stop any appropriate applications:
Verificar o MD5

Install new kernel(s)
export RELEASEPATH=/openbsd/4.5
rm /obsd ; ln /bsd /obsd && cp bsd /nbsd && mv /nbsd /bsd
cp bsd.rd bsd.mp /

Remove old X modules: These will be replaced with new ones shortly:
rm -rf /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/*

Save yourself a copy of the old reboot(1) command: You are still running the old kernel, it
is possible the new reboot command will not run on the old kernel.
cp /sbin/reboot /sbin/oreboot

Install new userland applications. Do NOT install etc45.tgz and xetc45.tgz now, because that
will overwrite your current configuration files! Note that we are installing base45.tgz LAS
T, because it will include a new tar(1) utility, which may or may not run on the old kernel.
We reboot immediately, as the system is probably barely runnable now.
tar -C / -xzphf comp45.tgz
tar -C / -xzphf game45.tgz
tar -C / -xzphf man45.tgz
tar -C / -xzphf misc45.tgz
tar -C / -xzphf xbase45.tgz
tar -C / -xzphf xfont45.tgz
tar -C / -xzphf xserv45.tgz
tar -C / -xzphf xshare45.tgz
tar -C / -xzphf base45.tgz

Again, the files in /etc are handled separately below, so etc45.tgz and xetc45.tgz are NOT u
npacked here.

After reboot completes, upgrade /dev. The new MAKEDEV file was copied to /dev by the install
ation of base45.tgz, so you simply need to do the following:
cd /dev

sysmerge -as $RELEASEPATH/etc45.tgz -x $RELEASEPATH/xetc45.tgz

mtree -qdef /etc/mtree/4.4BSD.dist -p / -u

Lançamento: OpenBSD 4.5

Nova versão do Sistema Operacional OpenBSD.

terça-feira, 31 de março de 2009

LDAP: Excluindo atributos

Para excluir um atributo de uma entrada no diretório LDAP é so fazer o seguinte:

1 - Fazer um ldapsearch para pegar o DN da entrada que se quer deletar o atributo:

ldapsearch -D 'cn=Manager,o=DOMINIO,c=BR' -w xxxxx -x -b 'ou=hosting,o=DOMINIO,c=BR' uid=mail@dominio.com.br

dn: uid=mail@dominio.com.br,ou=hosting,o=DOMINIO,c=BR

2 - Usar  o comando ldapmodify para excluir o atributo desejado: nesse  caso iremos excluir o atributo deliveryMode:

ldapmodify -D 'cn=Manager,o=DOMINIO,c=BR' -w xxxxx -x
dn: uid=mail@dominio.com.br,ou=hosting,o=DOMINIO,c=BR
delete: deliveryMode

Pronto, atributo excluido.

quinta-feira, 12 de março de 2009

access.log Squid

O que significa as informações do access.log do squid:

Seu formato é:
time elapsed remotehost code/status bytes method URL rfc931 peerstatus/peerhost type

Therefore, an access.log entry usually consists of (at least) 10 columns separated by one ore more spaces:

  1. time A Unix timestamp as UTC seconds with a millisecond resolution. You can convert Unix timestamps into something more human readable using this short perl script:

    • s/^\d+\.\d+/localtime $&/e;
  2. duration The elapsed time considers how many milliseconds the transaction busied the cache. It differs in interpretation between TCP and UDP:

    • For HTTP this is basically the time from having received the request to when Squid finishes sending the last byte of the response.
    • For ICP, this is the time between scheduling a reply and actually sending it.
      • Please note that the entries are logged after the reply finished being sent, not during the lifetime of the transaction.

  3. client address The IP address of the requesting instance, the client IP address. The client_netmask configuration option can distort the clients for data protection reasons, but it makes analysis more difficult. Often it is better to use one of the log file anonymizers. Also, the log_fqdnconfiguration option may log the fully qualified domain name of the client instead of the dotted quad. The use of that option is discouraged due to its performance impact.

  4. result codes This column is made up of two entries separated by a slash. This column encodes the transaction result:

    • The cache result of the request contains information on the kind of request, how it was satisfied, or in what way it failed. Please refer toSquid result codes for valid symbolic result codes. Several codes from older versions are no longer available, were renamed, or split. Especially the ERR_ codes do not seem to appear in the log file any more. Also refer to Squid result codes for details on the codes no longer available. The status part contains the HTTP result codes with some Squid specific extensions. Squid uses a subset of the RFC defined error codes for HTTP. Refer to section status codes for details of the status codes recognized.

  5. bytes The size is the amount of data delivered to the client. Mind that this does not constitute the net object size, as headers are also counted. Also, failed requests may deliver an error page, the size of which is also logged here.

  6. request method The request method to obtain an object. Please refer to section request-methods for available methods. If you turned offlog_icp_queries in your configuration, you will not see (and thus unable to analyze) ICP exchanges. The PURGE method is only available, if you have an ACL for "method purge" enabled in your configuration file.

  7. URL This column contains the URL requested. Please note that the log file may contain whitespace for the URI. The default configuration foruri_whitespace denies or truncates whitespace, though.

  8. rfc931 The eighth column may contain the ident lookups for the requesting client. Since ident lookups have performance impact, the default configuration turns ident_loookups off. If turned off, or no ident information is available, a "-" will be logged.

  9. hierarchy code The hierarchy information consists of three items:

    • Any hierarchy tag may be prefixed with TIMEOUT_, if the timeout occurs waiting for all ICP replies to return from the neighbours. The timeout is either dynamic, if the icp_query_timeout was not set, or the time configured there has run up.

    • A code that explains how the request was handled, e.g. by forwarding it to a peer, or going straight to the source. Refer to Hierarchy Codesfor details on hierarchy codes and removed hierarchy codes.

    • The IP address or hostname where the request (if a miss) was forwarded. For requests sent to origin servers, this is the origin server's IP address. For requests sent to a neighbor cache, this is the neighbor's hostname. NOTE: older versions of Squid would put the origin server hostname here.
  10. type The content type of the object as seen in the HTTP reply header. Please note that ICP exchanges usually don't have any content type, and thus are logged "-". Also, some weird replies have content types ":" or even empty ones.

quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2009

Verônica Ferriani

Lançamento do primeiro CD da Verônica Ferriani

Em seu primeiro cd, com produção de BID, Verônica Ferriani interpreta Assis Valente, Cassiano, Gonzaguinha, João Donato, Marcos Valle e Paulo Sergio Valle, Paulinho da Viola, Rubens Nogueira e Paulo Cesar Pinheiro, dentre outros. É um trabalho de musica brasileira, nova e especial!

sexta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2009